Richard Tedder


  1. 27 - In other words, Hepatitis B wasn’t something to be taken lightly?

  2. 34 - Can he expand upon what he knew at this time as to why it was that Hepatitis B was particularly prevalent among gay men? (I do not believe the IBI has heard detailed evidence in hearings on this point to date, the same applies in relation to HIV)

  3. 92 - Provide the names of the “group of people”

  4. 114 - Would it have made sense to exclude gay men from donating before the advent of AIDS due to the risk of HBV?

    1. If the answer references HBV testing… Is it not better to have two protections rather than one?

  5. 176 - 178 - Were he/Weiss able to licence / sell the tests for HTLV-I / II? If so, to who and on what basis?

  6. 179 - He says “some such sample did go into transit but ended up being lost but at 53 he says “we asked for and were provided with a sample”. There is also a third and different version of events at 459. Can he reconcile please?

  7. 179 - Whatever the case above, Tedder places their work on Gallo stating “If this was in mid-1984 it would almost certainly have been derived from the Gallo culture.”. This does not fit with the letter linked below sent by Weiss in May 1984 to the MRC (not on Rel) which says “We already have Montagnier's isolate in our laboratory and I hope to have collected Gallo's isolate by the time you receive this letter"


    2. This further complicates Tedder’s version of events e.g. the sample was not “lost” if Weiss says here he has it. Can we put this document to him? Why is he saying it was lost?

  8. 182 - Was it clear to him, at this point in time (Jul/Aug 1984) that HTLV-III was not a HTLV virus?

    1. If so, why did he/Weiss continue with the HTLV-III label?

    2. Can refer to this 1985 doc from Luc to Gallo on the subject if required -


  1. At the time the HTLV-III “research test” was ready in Summer 1984, would he, if asked, and provided with appropriate resources, have been able to use that test to test plasma pool samples (eg from BPL/PFC) for HTLV-III?

    1. Same question in relation to batch samples of constituted Factor VIII concentrate?

      1. If adjustments would have been needed to have been made to the test, for either of the above to be possible, what would those adjustments have been?

    2. Was he ever asked to do either of the above?

  2. In DHSC0001577 - Gunson says (page two) “Within the financial arrangements entered into, I think it is important that the contributions made by Robin Weiss and Richard Tedder should be recognised” - What did he take Gunson meant by this?

    1. What conversations had he had or was he aware of with Gunson prior to him sending this letter?

  3. Page 3 of this Haemofact shows a £25,000 grant was given to Tedder by the HS. Did he apply for that grant and what can he recall about it?


  4. IBI Counsel may wish to draw questions from the information summarised on pages 7 - 8 of the below document. In summary: Some of the “borderline” HTLV-III results from Tedder’s test (used on patients in ROI) came back positive on Abbott’s test.


  5. In relation to this study he published (Along with others) in 1985:

    1. Looking at the table on Page 3, is it correct to understand that:

      1. No patients in the study had a HTLV-III positive sample before 1981?

      2. The greatest number of first-time positive samples occurs in 1984? (7)

      3. That no patient receiving NHS concentrate sero-converted? (see Comment)


Experts from the statistics group


John Canavan