Factor 8

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Lord John Reid

WS Q’s

  1. 16.2 - Was it his understanding at the time that the only way of preventing Hepatitis C infections would have been the introduction of a Hepatitis C test?

    1. Is it his understanding, looking at DHSC6264733, that the refusal to hold a public inquiry was solely based on the introduction of Hepatitis C testing?

      1. Was he aware, on that one aspect alone, of the findings of A & Others?

  2. 17.2 - "I was not provided with evidence to that effect by officials" - If officials had come into possession of such evidence, would he have expected that evidence to be shared with him?

  3. 18.3 - In relation to the Self-Sufficiency Report, was it ever brought to his attention or did it occur to him, that although the report contains the statement (Page 10) “There is therefore no evidence to suggest that the NANBH outbreak in the late 1970s and early 1980s could have been avoided had England and Wales been completely self-sufficient in blood products during this period” - that it makes no similar statement in relation to HIV?

  4. 20.3 - Would it have been helpful to him as a minister, if there was some formal process that those advocating for a public inquiry could go through, which might for example include a formal way to make submissions of relevant evidence of the kind he describes?


  1. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2003-12-17.1570.5 - “it is apparent that much more blood and blood products are used clinically than need to be used. There have been many past attempts to reduce the use of blood to situations where it is absolutely needed medically, but these have been only partially successful. I will therefore be asking the National Blood Service to have urgent discussions with the medical royal colleges and NHS hospitals to address that area of clinical practice. More appropriate blood usage will reduce all the risks associated with blood and will make more effective use of our precious blood supplies.”

    1. Had he ever considered that this point alone, that he himself was making in the house of commons, might be cause for a public inquiry in relation to HCV/HIV?

  2. DHSC5018656 - Page 3 - "targeted to people who are still alive and suffering" - 

    1. Would he agree that bereaved families were “still alive and suffering”?