Justice Delayed - Delay & Lost Lives Counter

Shining a Light on the Continuous and Unjustified Delay by the Government in Responding to the Infected Blood Inquiry's Compensation Recommendations.

Factor 8 today announced the launch of a poignant new website: JusticeDelayed.co.uk.

The website painfully calculates, in real-time, the passage of time since the Infected Blood Inquiry published its final compensation recommendations on 5th April 2023 and the continuing loss of lives amidst the government's unsettling silence.

The live counters, both a testament to the unwavering spirit of the victims and an indictment of government inaction, display three harrowing metrics which update every second:

  1. The exact duration since the Inquiry's second interim report was made public. (Now over 5 months)

  2. The count of victims who have tragically passed away while awaiting a response and due recognition. (Currently 40)

  3. A ticking timer ominously predicting when yet another victim will succumb while awaiting a government response.

Jason Evans (Director & Founder of Factor 8) said: "This isn't just about numbers. Every tick of the counter signifies a heartbeat, a life slipping away, and families left in despair, waiting for justice. And while time continues its relentless march, the government refuses to provide meaningful answers."

As outlined on JusticeDelayed.co.uk, the government remains silent despite the urgency underscored by the Inquiry itself, which recommended a compensation system is operational before the final report (due to be published this Autumn).

The anguish of the victims amplifies as they pass on without assurance of their suffering and losses being acknowledged, either during their lifetime or posthumously. Their memories, stories, and battles largely go unrecognised.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, under oath to the Inquiry in July, noted the heart-wrenching statistic that one infected individual loses their life every four days. It serves as an ever-present reminder of the gravity of the situation and the human cost of governmental inaction.

The launch of this counter is more than just a digital initiative. It is a call to consciousness, a plea for empathy, and a rallying cry for immediate action

This website will serve as a permanent reminder of those who died, awaiting government to respond to the Infected Blood Inquiry's second interim report and the additional harm caused by the delay to all those infected and affected.

A fuller background on the history of Infected Blood compensation can be found here.


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